Interface DrawTextConfig

The configuration to use when drawing a DrawText.


  • DrawTextConfig


centered?: boolean

Whether or not to position the globalPos of the DrawText to the center of the text. If false, it will be based on the top-left corner.

Default: true

fill?: string | false

The color for the DrawText to fill the text with. A value of false is no fill.

Default: false

font?: string

The font and size to draw text with.

Default: "16px arial"

ignoreCamera?: boolean

Whether or not the DrawText will ignore the camera and use screen position instead of world position.

Default: false

rotation?: number

The rotation in radians of the DrawRect. Rotates around the top-left corner of the text unless centered is true. In that case, it will rotate around the center of the text.

Default: 0

stroke?: string | false

The color for the DrawText to outline the text with. A value of false is no stroke.

Default: false

strokeWidth?: number

The width of the outline of the DrawText.

Default: 1

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